We Might be in deep trouble with the real estate market. On second thought, YEH we are in deep trouble.
Since I first wrote this article several months ago the situation has changed as has my knowledge level on the subject of mortgage backed securities. I wanted to update the article so it was more reflective of the current state of the housing market and the economy.
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I am not talking about a minor slow down or continued stagnation. We might be in for a continuation of the disaster that is occurring in certain cities around the country. Regardless of how the government and the National Association of realtors try to spin the current situation into something less that dreadful, there is no demand for real estate at the moment nor is demand likely to increase in the near future.
more on real estate crisis
I am having a hard time connecting the dots as to where the buyers, who will swoop in and buy all of this now affordable real estate, are hiding. The real estate market is not supported by first time home buyers. It never had been and never will be and the more the government tried to bring new home owners into the market to increase the historical average of home ownership, standards for qualification had to be relaxed. The balance of the market was lost when people were enticed to by homes without proper means or knowledge.
However, this should not have been enough to completely wipe out the housing market and lead to a crash of up to 65% in many areas. How could a small number of foreclosures known as the “sub prime” problem derail the entire national housing market? It couldn’t and it never had in the past 70 years. Those sub prime loans were refinanced or defaulted fairly soon after the recession started.
The sub prime excuse was just a way for the banks to deflect the spotlight from them so they could make a few more billion dollars, bilk the government for more bailout funds, and take giant bonuses. The housing market was heading into free fall and they (TBTFB) were well aware if the government wouldn’t step in and help them out, most of the major banks would have gone the way of Lehman Brothers. Yves smith summarized the issue very well October 31 2010 on her blog and in a New York Times op-ed story. Here is a quote from one of her responses to a comment submitted to her blog Naked Capitalism
Yves Smith says:
October 31, 2010 at 5:30 am
With all due respect, you are falling for the bank narrative on this one.
Yes, many subprime borrowers got in over their head. But the big resets on subprime were in 2007 and were pretty much over by late 2008. Most of those people have already been foreclosed upon, save where the banks have been dragging their feet.
Yves continues educating the commenter:
“You miss the fact that a lot of foreclosures in the past and now are due to servicer errors, plus normal credit losses, the biggie being job loss or hours reductions. This is not a simple “prudent v. imprudent” story.
When banks owned loans, they would ALWAYS restructure the loan of a viable borrower. Always. This is sound lender loss reduction behavior. Lew Ranieri, the father of mortgage backed securities, was clearly upset when he spoke at the Milken conference in 2008 about servicers using the MBS contracts as an excuse not to do mods. In his day, it was done as a matter of course because it reduced investor losses and hence was good business.’
End quote.
I would also like to add that we don’t know people had gotten in over their heads. We have no record of how many people have avoided foreclosure or default over the past 40 years by selling their home. We can reasonably say that the CDS system substantially added to the housing decline. The effect of the prolonged and dramatic price decline took away the safety valve of selling a home to fend off foreclosure. Even if we had a reasonable real estate market with typically more stable appraisal values, thousands of people could have sold out with a minimal loss or breaking even. This would have accomplished 3 important things for the economy.
1. The banks would have cleared a potential toxic asset from the books.
2. It would have increased money supply by erasing a non- performing or poorly performing asset. Banks would have been in better financial positions with less risk of insolvency.
3. The homeowner would have been able to get out from under their debt if they had lost a job or had been transferred without having major credit score problems. They could have done their own reset until work picked up and they could then buy or rent.
The percentage of price decline has been severe enough to devastate the economy. The additional knockout punch has been the depth and length of this recession. We are now wiping people out completely as the banks bobbed and weaved their way out of the fight unscathed. Many very hard working Americans have faithfully taken their life savings to pay for their underwater mortgage for the past few years because they believed the government and the bankers, who were making claims it was just a sub prime issue housing prices would remain stable.. So now we are moving into year 3, year 4 and likely years 5 and 6 of this meltdown with millions of people still out work and now out of life savings, not because they were in over their head but because the banking system wiped out our economy.
more Books and aritcles
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Swindled and brainwashed by the banks again
The Banks and the federal government were very wise in their implementation of the onerous psychological strategy used to “lock” the moral burden into place on American citizen that says under no circumstance is one to walk away from their debt obligation on a mortgage. The collusion of banks, government and the media tirelessly worked to place the fear of shame and chastisement on to any homeowner who dare consider strategic default or otherwise.
We could argue that this was in the best interest of the country but really it was just in the best interest of the banks and money lenders. Although, the system worked rather well as long as the federal and state governments were able to keep a handle on the rate of inflation.
If the money supply was kept at a reasonable level the economy would have its normal ups and downs but there would be no unreasonable appreciation or depreciation in real estate prices. The exception would be the few boom and bust areas that have had extreme pricing fluctuations over the years. The best examples would be California, Florida and the Texas gulf coast that was up and down with the boom and bust of the oil exploration.
As long as we had a federal reserve that was not overly influenced by the Banking system itself, it was likely that this method of economic stabilization could go on indefinitely. It would serve as a future method of taking pressure off of the “social security black box” as well as calm American’s fears of the devastation of another “great depression”. People were convinced to work hard, buy a home, pay 3 to 4 times what it was worth in interest and then recover about ½ of what they paid overall when they sold their home upon retirement.
The Banks were getting fat and the government was getting a reasonable calm and non-revolutionary population that was content with these terms. People came to believe that paying your mortgage was an honor and a privilege. Defaulting on a mortgage, unless you were in extreme distress was extremely taboo.
Over time paying down a mortgage looks reasonably good if you stayed in your home for 10 or 15 years. The ability to pay the same as you would for rent while having the boost of pride people felt as “homeowners” seemed to make this a workable arrangement even though the banks benefited far greater in terms of return than did individual owners.
The banks used this manipulation to continually lower their capital requirements as both the banks and the government came to rely and the “moral and ethical” home owner. Over time, many people came to believe that increase or at least the stability in the real estate market was a normal part of the capitalist system. However, all the misleading information and manipulation lead to a false sense of security, undue pressure on families in times of crisis and extreme tolerance of risk that was taken by allowing banks to become under capitalized.
Slowly but surely the big banks and the Wall Street elite came to realize that this stable and consistent market could lead to some ridiculous wealth if it could be exploited. It would just take a few of the right players to get into office at the right time. We began to see the creation of the “greatest real estate depression” in history as we moved into the 21st century.
A number of factors would eventually lead to repeated mistakes by the Federal Reserve that would drastically increase the money supply. Interest rates were kept far too low for far too long as growth and expansion of the economy became the North Star guiding fed policy.
After we suffered the tragic events of September 11, 2001 our reliance on excessively low interest rates strengthened. It was more circumstance than deviance that prodded the reserve chairman to opt to keep interest rates at “hot” levels. As patriots many of us could argue little with this strategy that was one way of boosting “morale” of the country. It was as if we made a pact with the devil at times of vulnerability. Politics has over taken common sense at the Federal Reserve and within a few years the “nuclear” housing race was in full effect.
I was extremely puzzled by the flow of money into the economy at such low interest rates. My opinion in discussions with friends was that the government had painted themselves into a corner with such low rates. It was promoting the unsustainable rise in home values. Wages and income were not keeping pace with the extremely quick rise in real estate cost.
The fed and to big to fail banks become the new “batman and robin”
But have no fear the big banks would come to the rescue. They would only need a little help from congress and they would help the fed kick the can down the road a few more years. They had the solution to letting the fed keep up with its rope a dope tactics a few more years, or at least long enough for the players to get out of Washington.
What was the Answer? : Exotic mortgage products based on the assumption that real estate will never lose value or significant value in the first 7 years of a mortgage.
Business Opportunities Handbook
The seven year time frame is critical because banks realized that the average home owner would move or refinance at least once within the first 7 years of the mortgage. So the method of amortization used was to have nearly 100% of the payments on the mortgage be put towards the interest balance of the loan.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Everyone is afraid of the truth about foreclosure gate
So few people are seeing through the line that everything is ok and that signing documents illegally and committing fraud is ok as long as it is going to bring about a more speedy recovery.
Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War
Well breaking the law has not worked for the anyone and the recovery seems to be a long way off in the distance. The actual fraud by the banks is now causing a slower recovery because it was allowed to go on for 3 years while the banks got the house in order. They bilked the tax payer to remain solvent, granted they were solvent only because of accounting rule changes misconception that mortgages would bounce back 100% to previous levels within 2 years.
Didn't happen! The lowest interest rates in years did little to help the banks so they were allowed to play pretend owner so they could foreclose. It seems to me that not only are the title companies involved in this but the local municipalities have gone along with the process as well.
I question how else could all of the documents be changed into Mers when no evidence of ownership was actually produced by the banks? Someone had to let it go with a wink and a nod or at least by just neglecting the facts.
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I always assumed proof of ownership was the most important item when making changes to the title chain or assigning notes to the trust?
Ping the lawyers all you want but if they weren't digging into this, it is likely there would be no checks and balances to what the banks are allowed to do in the name of recovery.
Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War
Well breaking the law has not worked for the anyone and the recovery seems to be a long way off in the distance. The actual fraud by the banks is now causing a slower recovery because it was allowed to go on for 3 years while the banks got the house in order. They bilked the tax payer to remain solvent, granted they were solvent only because of accounting rule changes misconception that mortgages would bounce back 100% to previous levels within 2 years.
Didn't happen! The lowest interest rates in years did little to help the banks so they were allowed to play pretend owner so they could foreclose. It seems to me that not only are the title companies involved in this but the local municipalities have gone along with the process as well.
I question how else could all of the documents be changed into Mers when no evidence of ownership was actually produced by the banks? Someone had to let it go with a wink and a nod or at least by just neglecting the facts.
Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation
I always assumed proof of ownership was the most important item when making changes to the title chain or assigning notes to the trust?
Ping the lawyers all you want but if they weren't digging into this, it is likely there would be no checks and balances to what the banks are allowed to do in the name of recovery.
Lack of housing recovery changes the game for the big players like Pimco. Home owners still likely left to take the fall.
Here's a real disconnect in the faulty foreclosure story: The story on credit slips blog. Adam Levitin Questions the credibility of the B of A foreclosure review. He asks the question but we all know the answer. Bank of America making a test run at the steam rolling process. They could not have reviewed the documents without another robo reviewer.
They continue, with the federal governments blessing, to keep trying to push the issues regarding the foreclosure process under the rug. The mainstream media is still in the tank for B of A and the too big to fail banks as they fall for the Administration's facade that they will be tough on any law breaking bankers.
What amazes me is that many people still misunderstand the main issues that has just come into play this fall. The fact that the housing industry has failed to respond to the ridiculously low mortgage rates really has put the issue of forclosuregate in the forefront.
Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control
Regardless every one's opinion that we need to get to the bottom of this so lets railroad anyone left in there home strategy, the housing market failed to respond to the low interest rates, which has put much of the world on notice that these "fraudulent" procedures are not getting prices back up.
The only reason the game has changed is because the big money people, they Wall Street Elite, the oligarchy and the like, stand to lose major dollars now on their securities investments. Everyone was happy with dumping this on the home owner if it would mean investors would be made whole or at least it would lead to a speedy recovery. Now with the likes of Pimco starting to recognize that being a team player with the fed is not going to save them money this time around.
Of course the homeowner is the afterthought. Even Phil's stock world has taken the stance that is in more agreement with the banks than it is with the people.
Power Therapy: Maximizing Health Through Self-Efficacy
Phil gives his opinion in this article that addresses the extreme.
"I am sorry but that is complete nonsense. It will mean delays and legal expenses to figure out who has the right to foreclose, but it sure as hell does not mean borrowers own their house free and clear"
the full story can be read here:
Here's a real disconnect in the faulty foreclosure story: The story on credit slips blog. Adam Levitin Questions the credibility of the B of A foreclosure review. He asks the question but we all know the answer. Bank of America making a test run at the steam rolling process. They could not have reviewed the documents without another robo reviewer.
They continue, with the federal governments blessing, to keep trying to push the issues regarding the foreclosure process under the rug. The mainstream media is still in the tank for B of A and the too big to fail banks as they fall for the Administration's facade that they will be tough on any law breaking bankers.
What amazes me is that many people still misunderstand the main issues that has just come into play this fall. The fact that the housing industry has failed to respond to the ridiculously low mortgage rates really has put the issue of forclosuregate in the forefront.
Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control
Regardless every one's opinion that we need to get to the bottom of this so lets railroad anyone left in there home strategy, the housing market failed to respond to the low interest rates, which has put much of the world on notice that these "fraudulent" procedures are not getting prices back up.
The only reason the game has changed is because the big money people, they Wall Street Elite, the oligarchy and the like, stand to lose major dollars now on their securities investments. Everyone was happy with dumping this on the home owner if it would mean investors would be made whole or at least it would lead to a speedy recovery. Now with the likes of Pimco starting to recognize that being a team player with the fed is not going to save them money this time around.
Of course the homeowner is the afterthought. Even Phil's stock world has taken the stance that is in more agreement with the banks than it is with the people.
Power Therapy: Maximizing Health Through Self-Efficacy
Phil gives his opinion in this article that addresses the extreme.
"I am sorry but that is complete nonsense. It will mean delays and legal expenses to figure out who has the right to foreclose, but it sure as hell does not mean borrowers own their house free and clear"
the full story can be read here:
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Fox News fall in Line on Foreclosure Gate
October 24, 2010
After watching interview from the Huckabee show on Fox news. They had a guest on that was spinning the foreclosure gate as all fault of homeowners and nothing to do with the banking system. I responded in an email.
I think it is time for someone to state the truth about the mortgage mess in the mainstream media. The guest you had on tonight was still trying to blame homeowners for this mess. He is wrong and way off base. The entire meltdown is because of the pooling of mortgages and selling them as securities and insuring the loans 3 and 4 times over against default with the credit default swaps when if a note failed 4 or 5 companies would need to get paid.
Foreclosures are a normal part of the process. People will always have issues that come up but typically they could sell their home and walk away breaking even or being in the whole a small amount if they lose there job etc.
The beginning of this mess was labeled sub prime so everyone would fall for it and let the banks get deeper in the whole until they could get a handout by holding a gun the head of congress. If the banks would have no securitized all the mortgages they would have been able to deal with the foreclosures as they arose but they knew they had collected insurance and if the tranches started going bad they would have to pay out far more than they had in their coffers. They were al insolvent and should have been bankrupt. They avoided the issues until they could milk the system more by putting up the smokescreen of sub prime when they were trying to cover up their fault in creating a situation that would only work if all the parts worked perfectly. IE no defaults. They knew it wouldn't work but they were paid already and did not care what happened to the country. That is why the market dried up because people knew the banks and the rating agencies lied and they were no longer going to buy mortgages as securitize because the cat was out of the bag. The banks created a system guaranteed to fail but they were able to collect their fees and let everything else be paid by the taxpayer. It is ridiculous that people are still trying to blame a small amount of foreclosures 3 years ago as the cause of the meltdown. It is absurd and I wish you would get a handle on it and put the truth out there......The system of MBS and CDS was created by Wall Street and the bankers. It brought the country to its knees.
How To Save Your Home & Credit, Stay Payment Free & Get Cash Out Legally From Mortgage Foreclosure
How is the homeowner’s fault???? Those who has been in their house throughout the recession trying to survive, trying to make payments only to have the banks again break the law, and falsify documents. ON top of that if the banks would have been let to fail, the mortgages would have been sold for pennies on the dollar those new owners would be negotiating work out to keep people in their homes. The banks now have purchased thousands of mortgages for pennies on the dollar, with government help mind you, and they are trying to collect full price again by expecting people to pay for a mortgage that is worth twice as much as the property value. Why are the homeowners the only ones that are being held accountable? The banks gave the loans and accepted the appraisals. Why are they not being held accountable too???? They got bailed out and screwed the tax payer and now they are breaking the law and not one talking head on fox news is speaking up and defending the little guy. The banks have fleeced America and the government and the media has let them get away with it. The guest you had on tonight was full of it. He said that we needed to get to a bottom.....yeh are we needing a bottom so badly that it is ok for the banks to break the rule of law? Then talking out of the other side of their mouth expecting to hold homeowners accountable for their underwater mortgage. Come on Mike I thought you were smarter than to have someone come on your show that was so uninformed. You are giving forum to more media hype and untruths.
The reason more people have walked from homes is first because of jobs and 2nd because the banks killed the market with MBS. The market crashed and people realized they were not going to get any help from the government like the banks did so they made a business decision to walk.
Mortgage Wars: How You Can Fight Fraud and Reverse Foreclosure
This is in no way the fault of a small percentage of sub prime foreclosures. I heard another anchor echoing some other dither that sounded the same earlier today.
I have been a big fox news fan but now I can see many of the people there are as myopic as people on MSNBC, just with a different agenda and perspective.
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
After watching interview from the Huckabee show on Fox news. They had a guest on that was spinning the foreclosure gate as all fault of homeowners and nothing to do with the banking system. I responded in an email.
I think it is time for someone to state the truth about the mortgage mess in the mainstream media. The guest you had on tonight was still trying to blame homeowners for this mess. He is wrong and way off base. The entire meltdown is because of the pooling of mortgages and selling them as securities and insuring the loans 3 and 4 times over against default with the credit default swaps when if a note failed 4 or 5 companies would need to get paid.
Foreclosures are a normal part of the process. People will always have issues that come up but typically they could sell their home and walk away breaking even or being in the whole a small amount if they lose there job etc.
The beginning of this mess was labeled sub prime so everyone would fall for it and let the banks get deeper in the whole until they could get a handout by holding a gun the head of congress. If the banks would have no securitized all the mortgages they would have been able to deal with the foreclosures as they arose but they knew they had collected insurance and if the tranches started going bad they would have to pay out far more than they had in their coffers. They were al insolvent and should have been bankrupt. They avoided the issues until they could milk the system more by putting up the smokescreen of sub prime when they were trying to cover up their fault in creating a situation that would only work if all the parts worked perfectly. IE no defaults. They knew it wouldn't work but they were paid already and did not care what happened to the country. That is why the market dried up because people knew the banks and the rating agencies lied and they were no longer going to buy mortgages as securitize because the cat was out of the bag. The banks created a system guaranteed to fail but they were able to collect their fees and let everything else be paid by the taxpayer. It is ridiculous that people are still trying to blame a small amount of foreclosures 3 years ago as the cause of the meltdown. It is absurd and I wish you would get a handle on it and put the truth out there......The system of MBS and CDS was created by Wall Street and the bankers. It brought the country to its knees.
How To Save Your Home & Credit, Stay Payment Free & Get Cash Out Legally From Mortgage Foreclosure
How is the homeowner’s fault???? Those who has been in their house throughout the recession trying to survive, trying to make payments only to have the banks again break the law, and falsify documents. ON top of that if the banks would have been let to fail, the mortgages would have been sold for pennies on the dollar those new owners would be negotiating work out to keep people in their homes. The banks now have purchased thousands of mortgages for pennies on the dollar, with government help mind you, and they are trying to collect full price again by expecting people to pay for a mortgage that is worth twice as much as the property value. Why are the homeowners the only ones that are being held accountable? The banks gave the loans and accepted the appraisals. Why are they not being held accountable too???? They got bailed out and screwed the tax payer and now they are breaking the law and not one talking head on fox news is speaking up and defending the little guy. The banks have fleeced America and the government and the media has let them get away with it. The guest you had on tonight was full of it. He said that we needed to get to a bottom.....yeh are we needing a bottom so badly that it is ok for the banks to break the rule of law? Then talking out of the other side of their mouth expecting to hold homeowners accountable for their underwater mortgage. Come on Mike I thought you were smarter than to have someone come on your show that was so uninformed. You are giving forum to more media hype and untruths.
The reason more people have walked from homes is first because of jobs and 2nd because the banks killed the market with MBS. The market crashed and people realized they were not going to get any help from the government like the banks did so they made a business decision to walk.
Mortgage Wars: How You Can Fight Fraud and Reverse Foreclosure
This is in no way the fault of a small percentage of sub prime foreclosures. I heard another anchor echoing some other dither that sounded the same earlier today.
I have been a big fox news fan but now I can see many of the people there are as myopic as people on MSNBC, just with a different agenda and perspective.
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
More evidence that Wall Street took down the mortgage industry
Check out the link below and it will take you to foreclosure defense nationwide website. They have uncovered more interesting facts about the insuring of loans multiple times and for setting up a system that has caused this entire crisis.
More on crisis here
More on crisis here
Friday, October 22, 2010
foreclosure gate is catching up to the banks
The Foreclosure Survival Guide: Keep Your House or Walk Away With Money in Your Pocket
Great research done over at foreclsouredefensenationwide.com. They are digging deeper into the underhanded tactics of the large Wall Street banks.
This is from http://foreclosuredefensenationwide.com/?p=299
“A sample of what our researchers are finding: loans which were assigned to multiple tranches within one securitized mortgage loan trust; the assignment of the loan to different trusts; the division of the loan into parts across tranches, and more. What this means to foreclosure defense discovery is nothing short of monumental.
If a loan is assigned to different tranches and/or different trusts, with each tranche or trust having its own series of credit enhancements and insurances, this means the possibility of multiple levels of insurance for the same loan, which goes to prove what we have been arguing for years: that upon securitization, the mortgage loans were insured with multiple layers of insurance so that when the loan went into default, those in the placement chain could reap untold profits by having the same risk paid over and over and over again through multiple claims or reserves. Anyone who read through the SEC v. Goldman Sachs lawsuit knows this.
As such, any foreclosure defense should now hammer, hard, on ALL available credit enhancements, insurances, tranche assignments, and all agreements relating thereto. We will make a prediction here: that very soon, there are going to be a series of cases where it is revealed, in discovery, that mortgage loans were paid 2, 3, 4, or more times on default and that the foreclosing party is simply trying to get paid a 5th or more time by stealing the borrower’s house under false pretenses and with material omissions and improper objections as to discovery related to setoffs (which objections we predict will be overruled once the judiciary is educated as to these matters).”
Finally evidence comes out revealing what was obviously going on within the banking system. I couldn’t believe the government was giving so much money to the banks while they were collecting on their insurance. Two years ago I complained about the banks trying to get paid two 3 and four times over for the same mortgage. Multiple parties were being paid on insurance claims, then the fed paid them off again and in the case of bank takeovers, the purchasing banks was once again getting control (or so they say) control of the assets of the failing bank at pennies on the dollar. In turn the new mortgage holder is attempting to collect again by claiming they are owed the full amount of the original mortgage or they will repo property. It is crazy. We all paid the banks insurance claims as tax payers to the likes of Goldman sacks, bank of America, along with others.
The Foreclosure Survival Guide: Keep Your House or Walk Away With Money in Your Pocket
It is any wonder the system was collapsing when the big banks were trying to suck 4 or 5 times the amount of return on a mortgage that was above and beyond the typical interest payments? For what?
It was for a few big paychecks and the distinction of knowing the banking system collapsed the real estate industry for many years.
They acted with reckless arrogance and extreme disregard for future outcomes. They continue to act with arrogance and bravado as they try to blame the few foreclosures that occurred as the nuclear bomb that devastated the housing industry.
How convenient that they forget it was their system of multiple payouts and securitization, excess issuance of insurance that far exceeded their capital, and acceptance of inflated appraisals, that was the root cause of the crisis. Don’t forget that there has been over 90% and typically over 95% of all mortgages continue to get paid and remain current.
Anyone who can honestly say that 5 % or less of foreclosures could be responsible for the meltdown of the entire housing market is greatly uninformed or extremely delusional. But this would go right along with the delusional politicians and government that is allowing the banking system rule the country.
Great research done over at foreclsouredefensenationwide.com. They are digging deeper into the underhanded tactics of the large Wall Street banks.
This is from http://foreclosuredefensenationwide.com/?p=299
“A sample of what our researchers are finding: loans which were assigned to multiple tranches within one securitized mortgage loan trust; the assignment of the loan to different trusts; the division of the loan into parts across tranches, and more. What this means to foreclosure defense discovery is nothing short of monumental.
If a loan is assigned to different tranches and/or different trusts, with each tranche or trust having its own series of credit enhancements and insurances, this means the possibility of multiple levels of insurance for the same loan, which goes to prove what we have been arguing for years: that upon securitization, the mortgage loans were insured with multiple layers of insurance so that when the loan went into default, those in the placement chain could reap untold profits by having the same risk paid over and over and over again through multiple claims or reserves. Anyone who read through the SEC v. Goldman Sachs lawsuit knows this.
As such, any foreclosure defense should now hammer, hard, on ALL available credit enhancements, insurances, tranche assignments, and all agreements relating thereto. We will make a prediction here: that very soon, there are going to be a series of cases where it is revealed, in discovery, that mortgage loans were paid 2, 3, 4, or more times on default and that the foreclosing party is simply trying to get paid a 5th or more time by stealing the borrower’s house under false pretenses and with material omissions and improper objections as to discovery related to setoffs (which objections we predict will be overruled once the judiciary is educated as to these matters).”
Finally evidence comes out revealing what was obviously going on within the banking system. I couldn’t believe the government was giving so much money to the banks while they were collecting on their insurance. Two years ago I complained about the banks trying to get paid two 3 and four times over for the same mortgage. Multiple parties were being paid on insurance claims, then the fed paid them off again and in the case of bank takeovers, the purchasing banks was once again getting control (or so they say) control of the assets of the failing bank at pennies on the dollar. In turn the new mortgage holder is attempting to collect again by claiming they are owed the full amount of the original mortgage or they will repo property. It is crazy. We all paid the banks insurance claims as tax payers to the likes of Goldman sacks, bank of America, along with others.
The Foreclosure Survival Guide: Keep Your House or Walk Away With Money in Your Pocket
It is any wonder the system was collapsing when the big banks were trying to suck 4 or 5 times the amount of return on a mortgage that was above and beyond the typical interest payments? For what?
It was for a few big paychecks and the distinction of knowing the banking system collapsed the real estate industry for many years.
They acted with reckless arrogance and extreme disregard for future outcomes. They continue to act with arrogance and bravado as they try to blame the few foreclosures that occurred as the nuclear bomb that devastated the housing industry.
How convenient that they forget it was their system of multiple payouts and securitization, excess issuance of insurance that far exceeded their capital, and acceptance of inflated appraisals, that was the root cause of the crisis. Don’t forget that there has been over 90% and typically over 95% of all mortgages continue to get paid and remain current.
Anyone who can honestly say that 5 % or less of foreclosures could be responsible for the meltdown of the entire housing market is greatly uninformed or extremely delusional. But this would go right along with the delusional politicians and government that is allowing the banking system rule the country.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The latest story by the banks is that they were just over whelmed by the massive number of foreclosures so it was ok for them to break the law. It was also ok to not follow proper rules of law while steam rolling borrowers. Is there a difference in the outcome based on there intentions? I don't think so. Why then are they going to be investigated to find out their motive and reasons for their shoddy procedural work?
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This not just a few clerical mistakes. The banks were willing to falsify documents, give misleading and fraudulent statements, forge signatures and use robo signers to sign documents without even reading them or inspecting their validity.
When is it going to stop? When are people going to stop believing this rhetoric from the banks and start holding them accountable for their fraudulent activity?
How can you give them a free pass again? The banks, with all the money from the government, the ability to access more funds at nearly zero percent interest whenever they were in need of cash, have been given a free pass since the beginning of this crisis.
I am sure a lot of people would like to be able use the excuse that they were overwhelmed by their work load or their increasing debt load but they would still be held accountable if they broke the law. The corporations are getting off easy here and the individual is the one who is suffering the most. The corporations are shafting the individual while the government endorses it.
Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists
Learn about structured finance here
Structured Finance and Collateralized Debt Obligations: New Developments in Cash and Synthetic Securitization (Wiley Finance)
This not just a few clerical mistakes. The banks were willing to falsify documents, give misleading and fraudulent statements, forge signatures and use robo signers to sign documents without even reading them or inspecting their validity.
When is it going to stop? When are people going to stop believing this rhetoric from the banks and start holding them accountable for their fraudulent activity?
How can you give them a free pass again? The banks, with all the money from the government, the ability to access more funds at nearly zero percent interest whenever they were in need of cash, have been given a free pass since the beginning of this crisis.
I am sure a lot of people would like to be able use the excuse that they were overwhelmed by their work load or their increasing debt load but they would still be held accountable if they broke the law. The corporations are getting off easy here and the individual is the one who is suffering the most. The corporations are shafting the individual while the government endorses it.
Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Barney Frank doesn't remember his own lies about housing industry
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder: Savage SolutionsI heard a great piece on the radio yesterday that had Barney Frank talking out of both sides of his mouth. I know hearing him talk out of both sides of his mouth will come as no surprise but it did reveal a monumental flip flop.
It was on the Michel Savage Show. http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/
They played his comments during the housing boom and then played some of his more recent comments regarding who was at fault for the current collapse of housing.
It was just like clock work with him first saying that there was little risk of major losses in real estate and that he would continue to push for more and more home ownership through programs and policy. He was really a major player in the attempt to push home ownership in the United States over 70%. For years he would push his agenda and what he thought that it was best for the government to insure more loans on more and more borrowers with less and less resources with less strict rules on qualification standards.
Now he is say that he never thought promoting home ownership was a good idea. He went on to say that he was totally against any home affordability programs and that the government should have been involved in creating affordable rental property for lower income citizens.
I was a complete 180 degree turn around from what his original position was a few years ago. If he would have said after seeing what happened recently I have changed my position I could accept his flip flop. However, trying to lie about it, or having that bad of a memory that you can remember what your own policies are then I think you should not be in congress decided the fate of millions of Americans.
The Enemy Within: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Churches, Schools, and Military
It was on the Michel Savage Show. http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/
They played his comments during the housing boom and then played some of his more recent comments regarding who was at fault for the current collapse of housing.
It was just like clock work with him first saying that there was little risk of major losses in real estate and that he would continue to push for more and more home ownership through programs and policy. He was really a major player in the attempt to push home ownership in the United States over 70%. For years he would push his agenda and what he thought that it was best for the government to insure more loans on more and more borrowers with less and less resources with less strict rules on qualification standards.
Now he is say that he never thought promoting home ownership was a good idea. He went on to say that he was totally against any home affordability programs and that the government should have been involved in creating affordable rental property for lower income citizens.
I was a complete 180 degree turn around from what his original position was a few years ago. If he would have said after seeing what happened recently I have changed my position I could accept his flip flop. However, trying to lie about it, or having that bad of a memory that you can remember what your own policies are then I think you should not be in congress decided the fate of millions of Americans.
The Enemy Within: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Churches, Schools, and Military
Banks throw up test flare with foreclosure halt
We have seen the strategic move by the banks to halt foreclosures for one week. The did it under the umbrella of doing the right thing, reviewing documents and signatures in order to follow the law.
The reality is that it was nothing more than a test run to see how much out cry would come from politicians, the white house, and the public.
The banks wanted to know if they could get away with bending the laws or even disregarding it all together. It evidently appears that the White House and the politicians have become more interested in speeding through the real estate disaster rather than protecting homeowners against fraudulent practices of the banking industry.
It will not be a major surprise to see the banks calling for more government backing or bailouts after the elections when they know the politicians will be less concerned with the what voters would think about being manipulated by the major banks one more time. We are in the middle of the greatest manipulation of the economy ever and the banks have strong arm the government to its knees. The politicians nor the President has any intention of holding the banks to the law. That horse left the barn a long time ago.
The reality is that it was nothing more than a test run to see how much out cry would come from politicians, the white house, and the public.
The banks wanted to know if they could get away with bending the laws or even disregarding it all together. It evidently appears that the White House and the politicians have become more interested in speeding through the real estate disaster rather than protecting homeowners against fraudulent practices of the banking industry.
It will not be a major surprise to see the banks calling for more government backing or bailouts after the elections when they know the politicians will be less concerned with the what voters would think about being manipulated by the major banks one more time. We are in the middle of the greatest manipulation of the economy ever and the banks have strong arm the government to its knees. The politicians nor the President has any intention of holding the banks to the law. That horse left the barn a long time ago.
Housing crisis still misunderstood
Mortgage-Backed Securities: Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
I have continually read references to homeowners who maybe defaulted. Many people still do not understand the extent and origins of this housing collapse. I have heard people called liars and deadbeats among other things. It is a very simplistic answer for a much more complicated situation.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
The so called "Deadbeats" didn't cause the massive meltdown in the industry. The majority of people that took loans were hard working people that were capable of paying their bills. The media and the self righteous like to blame the home owner when the reality is that the homeowner is the least to blame for drastic drop in values. In a reasonable stable or flat market anyone who ever has trouble with a mortgage has always had the opportunity to sell. This has been true in general for most areas of the country except for a few boom bust areas.
The banks are far more to blame for the outcome. You can see now they are at the heart of the issue as the they take get buy back requests for bad loans. The real estate issue started about 3 years ago and just now everyone is getting their act together to make things right? The banks new the longer they delayed that they may be able to have successfully moved the mortgages down the line. We are seeing rates of foreclosure pushing toward the rates experienced in the great depression. There is no way that is the result of foreclosures.
If 95% of people are paying their notes and the system still had a meltdown is a clear indicator it was not the individual foreclosure that was the wrench in the wheel. It was the mortgage backed securities market that went into deep freeze because of the way the loans had been packaged and sold. The ratings were misleading and possibly fraudulent.
If such a small percentage of defaults can nearly bring collapse to the world wide system it is more reflective of of the defects in the Mortgage back security market.
I have continually read references to homeowners who maybe defaulted. Many people still do not understand the extent and origins of this housing collapse. I have heard people called liars and deadbeats among other things. It is a very simplistic answer for a much more complicated situation.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
The so called "Deadbeats" didn't cause the massive meltdown in the industry. The majority of people that took loans were hard working people that were capable of paying their bills. The media and the self righteous like to blame the home owner when the reality is that the homeowner is the least to blame for drastic drop in values. In a reasonable stable or flat market anyone who ever has trouble with a mortgage has always had the opportunity to sell. This has been true in general for most areas of the country except for a few boom bust areas.
The banks are far more to blame for the outcome. You can see now they are at the heart of the issue as the they take get buy back requests for bad loans. The real estate issue started about 3 years ago and just now everyone is getting their act together to make things right? The banks new the longer they delayed that they may be able to have successfully moved the mortgages down the line. We are seeing rates of foreclosure pushing toward the rates experienced in the great depression. There is no way that is the result of foreclosures.
If 95% of people are paying their notes and the system still had a meltdown is a clear indicator it was not the individual foreclosure that was the wrench in the wheel. It was the mortgage backed securities market that went into deep freeze because of the way the loans had been packaged and sold. The ratings were misleading and possibly fraudulent.
If such a small percentage of defaults can nearly bring collapse to the world wide system it is more reflective of of the defects in the Mortgage back security market.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
watch for under the table bank bailout after election
You can already here the spinning of the bank spokespeople as they once again collude with politicians to try and buy votes in the upcoming election. After Obama vetoed bill that would have given the banks a free pass out of the mortgage fraud quagmire, White House staff was already laying the ground work for another change of the rules to allow banks to steam roll borrowers. They are already working out a deal with a wink and a nod that will lead to another outrageous effort to change the rules of the game in favor of the banks. It should not be any surprise though because the banks have always gotten what they want in the long run. The perfect example was when banks were allowed to move to mark to model to keep them from being insolvent at the beginning of the crisis. The were allowed to "pretend" they were not bankrupt because they no longer had to mark their assets to market. The banks are getting over on everyone. Read more here: http://financialfactstoday.blogspot.com/2009/03/mark-to-market-changes.html
Here is an example from the Wapo:
“We believe freezing foreclosures for all banks in all states, whether we have reason to believe them to be in error or not, is simply not the prudent step to take in this fragile housing market,” he said. )--
The full article is
--(The Obama administration does not support a nationwide moratorium on foreclosures at this time, Federal Housing Administration Commissioner David Stevens said Sunday in an e-mail response to questions.
This is like saying that we know the suspect has murdered two people but if we try to bring all criminals to justice it will clog up the legal system. Therefore, we will not prosecuter the known offenders.
If the documents are believed to be in error how can the government say that halting foreclosures is not warranted? It is getting more clear by the day that this moratorium is a stunt to garner votes for a few politicians who have leaned toward the banks side of the page. We can be certain that the banks will be calling in the favor as soon as the election poles close.
It is an outrage that it was just swept under the rug and no one has called Stevens on his remarks.
The banks are stalling for time until after the election and then they will be back on the assault against borrowers. They will continue to try and shame and blame homeowners who have the courage to stand up to the banks and demand the banks be accountable for there own portion of the massive drop in collateral value.
Anyone who thinks the banks should be able to get away with what they are doing whether it is legal or illegal has fallen off the deep end. The above quote already reveals that the administration know something is wrong.
The problem is they don't have the stones to put an end to the fraudulent activity by the banks.
Here is an example from the Wapo:
“We believe freezing foreclosures for all banks in all states, whether we have reason to believe them to be in error or not, is simply not the prudent step to take in this fragile housing market,” he said. )--
The full article is
--(The Obama administration does not support a nationwide moratorium on foreclosures at this time, Federal Housing Administration Commissioner David Stevens said Sunday in an e-mail response to questions.
This is like saying that we know the suspect has murdered two people but if we try to bring all criminals to justice it will clog up the legal system. Therefore, we will not prosecuter the known offenders.
If the documents are believed to be in error how can the government say that halting foreclosures is not warranted? It is getting more clear by the day that this moratorium is a stunt to garner votes for a few politicians who have leaned toward the banks side of the page. We can be certain that the banks will be calling in the favor as soon as the election poles close.
It is an outrage that it was just swept under the rug and no one has called Stevens on his remarks.
The banks are stalling for time until after the election and then they will be back on the assault against borrowers. They will continue to try and shame and blame homeowners who have the courage to stand up to the banks and demand the banks be accountable for there own portion of the massive drop in collateral value.
Anyone who thinks the banks should be able to get away with what they are doing whether it is legal or illegal has fallen off the deep end. The above quote already reveals that the administration know something is wrong.
The problem is they don't have the stones to put an end to the fraudulent activity by the banks.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Everyone is free to negotiate with the banks.
Everyone is free to negotiate with the banks.
Everyone is free to negotiate with the banks and the banks know that they are up against the wall with the massive drop in home values. There are people that are willing to walk away from their homes if the mortgage is twice the value of the property. It is a business decision. The banks, bankers and the press have tried to create a smoke screen with homeowners in order to keep the upper hand.
The smartest thing to do is to go right to the bank and negotiate your loan and terms if your collateral value drops 60 %. Why are people trying to hard to take freedom of choice away from a borrower? The banks have gotten their bailout and now they want to move on and start over leaving the homeowners in their wake. It makes perfect sense for the banks. They have not had to suffer any consequences of their self created securitized system.
The reason we are seeing so many more defaults is that the banks have dug in their heals, refusing to take any responsibility for this crisis. They will continue to blame the home owner until home owners stand up and fight back.
If you have a mortgage worth 500,000 and a home value of 250,000 you have a major problem. I understand that some people have fallen for the moral argument that is based on honesty and truth. However, there is no honesty in truth in sacrificing your future, or the future of your children, in order to say you “kept your word.”
The system has always been manipulated to the banker’s advantage. The old rules of keeping your word and following through to pay your debts to the local banker do not apply anymore. Back when you had one banker to go to that knew of you and your family, we all can understand the moral issues of walking away from your responsibility. But at the same time the banker also had the moral responsibility to consider changing situations of borrowers and be willing to make adjustments to loan terms when necessary. It was a two way street and it worked well for a long time because we knew where the note was held and bankers had to consider making a business decision to keep collecting payments, even if they were less, so cash flow remained.
Our system today has been taken away from the people and put into the hands of Wall Street. They took over the mortgage system because they saw a way to exploit it. The made billions while American’s were left powerless. At one time knowing your banker was a given. Today people are treated as a number to be used, exploited and discarded after the commissions have been made by the fat cats.
All people want is a fair shot at negotiating their contract. The situation, with so many underwater borrowers, is the anchor we will never be able to raise if the banks continue to exploit the government and borrowers.
Everyone is free to negotiate with the banks and the banks know that they are up against the wall with the massive drop in home values. There are people that are willing to walk away from their homes if the mortgage is twice the value of the property. It is a business decision. The banks, bankers and the press have tried to create a smoke screen with homeowners in order to keep the upper hand.
The smartest thing to do is to go right to the bank and negotiate your loan and terms if your collateral value drops 60 %. Why are people trying to hard to take freedom of choice away from a borrower? The banks have gotten their bailout and now they want to move on and start over leaving the homeowners in their wake. It makes perfect sense for the banks. They have not had to suffer any consequences of their self created securitized system.
The reason we are seeing so many more defaults is that the banks have dug in their heals, refusing to take any responsibility for this crisis. They will continue to blame the home owner until home owners stand up and fight back.
If you have a mortgage worth 500,000 and a home value of 250,000 you have a major problem. I understand that some people have fallen for the moral argument that is based on honesty and truth. However, there is no honesty in truth in sacrificing your future, or the future of your children, in order to say you “kept your word.”
The system has always been manipulated to the banker’s advantage. The old rules of keeping your word and following through to pay your debts to the local banker do not apply anymore. Back when you had one banker to go to that knew of you and your family, we all can understand the moral issues of walking away from your responsibility. But at the same time the banker also had the moral responsibility to consider changing situations of borrowers and be willing to make adjustments to loan terms when necessary. It was a two way street and it worked well for a long time because we knew where the note was held and bankers had to consider making a business decision to keep collecting payments, even if they were less, so cash flow remained.
Our system today has been taken away from the people and put into the hands of Wall Street. They took over the mortgage system because they saw a way to exploit it. The made billions while American’s were left powerless. At one time knowing your banker was a given. Today people are treated as a number to be used, exploited and discarded after the commissions have been made by the fat cats.
All people want is a fair shot at negotiating their contract. The situation, with so many underwater borrowers, is the anchor we will never be able to raise if the banks continue to exploit the government and borrowers.
Blaming homeowners of course, Bankers still take no responsibility
This is from an online article in msnbc online today that was originated by By Joe Rauch
at Reuters
"If you didn't pay your mortgage, you shouldn't be in your house. Period. People are getting upset about something that's just procedural," said Walter Todd, portfolio manager at Greenwood Capital Associates.
Some said the issue is one of personal responsibility for one's own debts.
.."Everyone's responsible for following the law. If we all don't have to pay our mortgage, should we just stop paying taxes, too?" said Anton Schutz, president of Mendon Capital Advisers. "Your mortgage didn't get to a robo-signer by accident, it's because you're not paying."
They created a system of
Here is a perfect example of why the bankers that are running the system have screwed it up so badly. They created a system of
black hole securities that were meant to pay Wall Street first and then pay the credit default swaps next, They created an MBS market that could not properly deal with a typical number of defaults. The system created by Wall Street, for Wall Street and for the politicians was set up for collapse after an average number of defaults. They didn't deal with the defaults early on because they didn't know who the owned the paper or who would be paid by the sale of collateral. They wanted to wash their hands of the business once they received there huge payments for disguising and selling marginal quality mortgages as AAA paper.
They actually put millions of Americans back to work. The problem is that these were the people set to retire and they didn't want to work anymore. Many people who were counting on their home as a nest egg, have had to continue working or go back to work. The collapse of the housing market was not because there were foreclosures. There are always foreclosures for any number of reasons.
The banks can usually deal with them, negotiate with the borrower if possible or take the home back. They can take the homes and usually sell them at a discount but they are made whole in most cases by the payouts from the mortgage insurance. The banks rarely if ever lose when it comes to foreclosure. They are covered by the insurance, they have already collected a few years worth of payments that are nearly 100% interest and they get to write off the balance of the mortgage and costs of the foreclosure for tax purposes.
For Wall Street to be blaming the entire meltdown on homeowners is absurd. It just shows that the bankers have become truly myopic and even more self interested.
There are always foreclosures.
Why did the bankers create a system that would collapse completely if defaults occurred?
Why were they so misguided?
The only reason is because it was easy picking for them. The pillaged everything else they could away from the common man and the last frontier was real estate. Since the Great Depression real estate has been a way for people to save for retirement while lining the bankers pockets with interest payments. The entire idea of amortization was really just to make the banks richer while disguising the fact that people will end up paying 3 or more times the value of the original mortgage by the time it is paid in full. They realized they could pick a number of years that would make it seem tolerable to home owners. Then they figured out how often people tended to move, which at one time was every 7 years, so they could make sure nearly 100% of the first 7 year's of payments would go to interest. If the loan was paid back after 6 years, the bank make 6 years of full interest payments. In any other venture this would be called a scam.
But since it is the banks and Wall Street, they get bailed out with tax payer money that was to be used to help remove the bad mortgages from the banks so they could start lending again. Oops. The banks have hoarded all of that money and are now lobbying to be allowed to commit fraud to help their cause. The trillions of dollars wasn't enough, now they want to disregard the law so they can make more profits. We need our politicians to grow a new set and step up and say no.
at Reuters
"If you didn't pay your mortgage, you shouldn't be in your house. Period. People are getting upset about something that's just procedural," said Walter Todd, portfolio manager at Greenwood Capital Associates.
Some said the issue is one of personal responsibility for one's own debts.
.."Everyone's responsible for following the law. If we all don't have to pay our mortgage, should we just stop paying taxes, too?" said Anton Schutz, president of Mendon Capital Advisers. "Your mortgage didn't get to a robo-signer by accident, it's because you're not paying."
They created a system of
Here is a perfect example of why the bankers that are running the system have screwed it up so badly. They created a system of
black hole securities that were meant to pay Wall Street first and then pay the credit default swaps next, They created an MBS market that could not properly deal with a typical number of defaults. The system created by Wall Street, for Wall Street and for the politicians was set up for collapse after an average number of defaults. They didn't deal with the defaults early on because they didn't know who the owned the paper or who would be paid by the sale of collateral. They wanted to wash their hands of the business once they received there huge payments for disguising and selling marginal quality mortgages as AAA paper.
They actually put millions of Americans back to work. The problem is that these were the people set to retire and they didn't want to work anymore. Many people who were counting on their home as a nest egg, have had to continue working or go back to work. The collapse of the housing market was not because there were foreclosures. There are always foreclosures for any number of reasons.
The banks can usually deal with them, negotiate with the borrower if possible or take the home back. They can take the homes and usually sell them at a discount but they are made whole in most cases by the payouts from the mortgage insurance. The banks rarely if ever lose when it comes to foreclosure. They are covered by the insurance, they have already collected a few years worth of payments that are nearly 100% interest and they get to write off the balance of the mortgage and costs of the foreclosure for tax purposes.
For Wall Street to be blaming the entire meltdown on homeowners is absurd. It just shows that the bankers have become truly myopic and even more self interested.
There are always foreclosures.
Why did the bankers create a system that would collapse completely if defaults occurred?
Why were they so misguided?
The only reason is because it was easy picking for them. The pillaged everything else they could away from the common man and the last frontier was real estate. Since the Great Depression real estate has been a way for people to save for retirement while lining the bankers pockets with interest payments. The entire idea of amortization was really just to make the banks richer while disguising the fact that people will end up paying 3 or more times the value of the original mortgage by the time it is paid in full. They realized they could pick a number of years that would make it seem tolerable to home owners. Then they figured out how often people tended to move, which at one time was every 7 years, so they could make sure nearly 100% of the first 7 year's of payments would go to interest. If the loan was paid back after 6 years, the bank make 6 years of full interest payments. In any other venture this would be called a scam.
But since it is the banks and Wall Street, they get bailed out with tax payer money that was to be used to help remove the bad mortgages from the banks so they could start lending again. Oops. The banks have hoarded all of that money and are now lobbying to be allowed to commit fraud to help their cause. The trillions of dollars wasn't enough, now they want to disregard the law so they can make more profits. We need our politicians to grow a new set and step up and say no.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Congress will let banks committ fraud after election
Yves here. This development reveals how this battle is likely to play out. Now that judges in some states are starting to take these dubious, potentially fraudulent measures seriously, the next line of attack is to get the more bought and paid for Federal government to intercede on behalf of the banks. As the e-mail by the Ohio Secretary shows, this is a state versus Federal rights issue. And the problem is that these solutions will be depicted as “efficient,” just as securitizations and other “innovations” were.
Please go to Naked Capitalism and check out Yves commentary on banking fraud and foreclosures. If you want to learn what really is happening at the banks and how they are abusing their authority or lack thereof, to steamroll through the repossesion process in order claim property without legal title.
Yves nails it again in his blog when covering the subject of Mers, chain of title and deceptive bank practices as these institutions claim to be acting out of a need for efficency rather than follow the law.
From Naked Capitalism
----"And while efficiency in theory is a good thing, it must always be kept secondary to the overall integrity of the system; otherwise, you run the risk of breakdown. Using dubious arguments to overturn well settled law to get the banking industry out of a monster mess it created is a Faustian bargain. It makes it abundantly clear what is really at stake here, which is the rule of law. Banks that were quick to defend unjustifiable pay deals by invoking “sanctity of contract” have no inhibition about ignoring their own contracts to pad their bottom line, and ultimately, the wallets of top executives. "
Rather than deal with the considerable consequences of these abuses, the banks are prepared to bulldoze well settled state laws to give them an easy way out. And I’m not basing my view on this story alone; I had a conversation yesterday with a Congressional staffer who matter-of-factly said (but with little understanding of the underlying issues) that Congress would intervene on behalf of the industry, via its authority over national banks.
The result is that we institutionalize kleptocracy while keeping largely gutted forms of due process as theater. The powers that be hope that the broad public will remain unaware of what is really at work."--------
This is what is going on in our country and has bee since the Tarp program or scam, whichever you prefer, was passed. The banks created an enormous mess with the CDOs and MBS as they chopped up mortgages while the tried to figure out a way to make them trading vehicles to be exploited by the street. It could have been helpful but not without some oversight or at least a proper chain of title so when these housing issues started banks could have taken action on the small number of loans in default. Instead they didn't know who had the rights to the paper or if they did know they might have had 30 people claiming and invested interest and they had no idea what to do. I truly think they still have no idea what to do and will soon be holding a gun to the head of congress as the demand to be helped out again. I would not be surprised if they wanted more money or more assurances from the government to protect the banks against their own idiotic behavior that they will claim zero responsibility. Maybe this time congress won't run away scared and whimpering as they did when they were completely gutted--(a better term might possible be reamed,) -----by the threatening banks. The congress of cowards and bank lovers. It is abundantly clear that politicians can still be bought with a few dollars.
Please go to Naked Capitalism and check out Yves commentary on banking fraud and foreclosures. If you want to learn what really is happening at the banks and how they are abusing their authority or lack thereof, to steamroll through the repossesion process in order claim property without legal title.
Yves nails it again in his blog when covering the subject of Mers, chain of title and deceptive bank practices as these institutions claim to be acting out of a need for efficency rather than follow the law.
From Naked Capitalism
----"And while efficiency in theory is a good thing, it must always be kept secondary to the overall integrity of the system; otherwise, you run the risk of breakdown. Using dubious arguments to overturn well settled law to get the banking industry out of a monster mess it created is a Faustian bargain. It makes it abundantly clear what is really at stake here, which is the rule of law. Banks that were quick to defend unjustifiable pay deals by invoking “sanctity of contract” have no inhibition about ignoring their own contracts to pad their bottom line, and ultimately, the wallets of top executives. "
Rather than deal with the considerable consequences of these abuses, the banks are prepared to bulldoze well settled state laws to give them an easy way out. And I’m not basing my view on this story alone; I had a conversation yesterday with a Congressional staffer who matter-of-factly said (but with little understanding of the underlying issues) that Congress would intervene on behalf of the industry, via its authority over national banks.
The result is that we institutionalize kleptocracy while keeping largely gutted forms of due process as theater. The powers that be hope that the broad public will remain unaware of what is really at work."--------
This is what is going on in our country and has bee since the Tarp program or scam, whichever you prefer, was passed. The banks created an enormous mess with the CDOs and MBS as they chopped up mortgages while the tried to figure out a way to make them trading vehicles to be exploited by the street. It could have been helpful but not without some oversight or at least a proper chain of title so when these housing issues started banks could have taken action on the small number of loans in default. Instead they didn't know who had the rights to the paper or if they did know they might have had 30 people claiming and invested interest and they had no idea what to do. I truly think they still have no idea what to do and will soon be holding a gun to the head of congress as the demand to be helped out again. I would not be surprised if they wanted more money or more assurances from the government to protect the banks against their own idiotic behavior that they will claim zero responsibility. Maybe this time congress won't run away scared and whimpering as they did when they were completely gutted--(a better term might possible be reamed,) -----by the threatening banks. The congress of cowards and bank lovers. It is abundantly clear that politicians can still be bought with a few dollars.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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