There is no possible way to say it wasn't an act of fraud without some ridiculous story by the bank. Where did the documentation even come from to foreclose on a property with no mortgage and an owner has no business with JP Morgan? Read the full story here at Naked Capitalism
Federal Judge Refuses to Dismiss Bank Break-In Case Against JP Morgan, Lender Processing Services
Nevertheless, her attorney, Matt Weidner, is appealing this order. Why? Get this: JP Morgan had NO legal relationship to Jacobini at the time of the break ins. It has filed a robo-signed assignment of mortgage that post-dates the break-in. The practical implication is that random financial institutions are being allowed to barge into people’s properties, and the only recourse they have is a slow, costly adjudication.
Let’s hope that Jacobini succeeds in making this sort of abuse costly for JP Morgan. Hitting banks in the wallet may be the only way to get their attention.