Obama still does not get it. He will never get it.
If he were to get it he first would have to change his entire personality and thought process. I keep hearing that Bill Clinton went through the same thing during his first two years as president but Obama is no Bill Clinton.
Clinton was born to be a politician. He was very good at connecting with the people and the country. Of course, he had his faults, but being tuned out to what the American people wanted was his strength. He was and still is one the most skilled and gifted politicians in history of our country. He is the antithesis of Barack Obama.
Obama is self absorbed in such a way that he doesn't allow him to express empathy and understanding. He seems to walk through his days surrounded by an invisible force field that keeps him disconnected from everything. All of the grooming he underwent to become president has left him a bit stale, stiff and rehearsed. He may be much different off camera or in person but the impression he leaves with the public is one of privilege, unwillingness to listen to the public, and arrogance. The message is that he knows best and the public is not as smart as Obama or the Administration.
You can see it in his post election interviews. Obama just does not get it.
A Complicated Man: The Life of Bill Clinton as Told by Those Who Know Him
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