Tuesday, December 7, 2010

bank run government with economists as shills

It is the truth! Sad but true. We are living in a country that has allowed the financial system to gain enormous power over the political process. It is clear that Wall Street and the big name players there have unduly influenced economy policy while pushing for free markets and self regulation. Except when massive amounts of tax payer money is needed to keep these fine institutions above water.

This video from the Dylan Ratigan show gives emphasis to my point about the bank run government
How in the world could this come to be? A fine country like ours that prides itself on democracy and free elections has taken the wrong road and the citizens are being fleeced because of it. The use of propaganda by the finance industry and an extremely myopic use of theory by economists are two of the biggest causes for our shift away from a well balanced capitalism. By well balanced, I mean one that is reasonably fair to both parties even though one party will usually have much greater access to information than the other. The attempts to turn a social science into a more prestigious mathematical profession has served economists ands Wall Street very well. However, it has done so to the detriment of main street America.

I know there are plenty of people that will say whatever Wall Street has done has been for free markets and it was for the good of the country. If anyone still believes this then we have lost all familiarity with common sense.

An economist is much less scientist then their self prescribed role of importance would lead anyone to believe. The current crisis has exposed the facts that economic theory is no more accurate at predicting future outcomes that it would be to use a Rorschach test to diagnose diabetes. It is beyond logical thinking as to how economists have been given so much power in our government where they have influenced public policy for years. The fact that the economists road shot gun with the financial sector as it proceeded to drive the housing market and the economy over a cliff, should give us all an indication that economists are no more than shills for the big money players and the government.

How ridiculous is it to even ponder the idea of perfect information when considering the current situation for many people who may have owned real estate for years based on a faulty set of assumptions. A few of the assumptions could have been free market capitalism is best for the little guy, government regulators were aware that the financial system needed to be reasonable about their use of leverage, and that the government could be trusted to make sure the balance of power and information was never massively shifted in one direction.

These all seem like logical assumptions at the time but now they would set us up for disaster again. The self regulation gone unchecked has cost millions of Americans their retirement funds by decimating their real estate holdings or wiping out their 401 k. The assumptions of the past no longer apply to the rules of today.

The risks that one is assuming now as they purchase a home may become astronomical if the laws governing chain of title and property ownership are allowed to be trampled as we are witnessing currently.

Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country
Historic Print (S): Run on a bank
Newswire Photo (S): Run on East Side Bank, N.Y. 2/16/12The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry

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