Huge bonuses for Wall Street Criminals who ran the economy into the ground, as the country uses up savings and 401 k funds to try and weather the economic collapse. There is no justification for the profits the bankers are reaping based on the free money offered by the fed. The idea of helping banks was to help the country and to get the toxic assets off the books.
The Fraud Of Money & Banking: Scene Three: The Fraud Of The Fraud
What has happened since the banks fleeced the country. See the full list here at More Financial Reality.
Government is being run by the banks. The executives who have wiped out trillions of dollars in capital have been handsomely rewarded. The government has been brainwashed into letting the banks bitch slap them. It is rather pathetic that this has gone on for nearly 4 years and not a single thing has been done to change the system.
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Elizabeth Warren continues to side with the homeowner but is left powerless to make any meaningful change to the system. The land of opportunity has be overtaken by the self interested elite as we allow politicians to lie daily without consequences. No party is better than the other and it seems they are more willing to throw mud on each other than actually do anything for the American people.
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My disdain and disgust grow exponentially as the crisis drags on into another year. Each day I hear more rhetoric from people who know nothing about reality. The clamoring over jobs is just stupidity until the housing crisis is settled in a way that is equitable to home owners and not just the banks. The flow and velocity of money in the economy are directly related to the housing industry. Any economist who says differently is not worth their weight in salt. Few people have taken the time to study what caused the crisis. The unwillingness to understand something so fundamental to the economy is perplexing but understandable. As long as the finance industry is running the country the politicians will bow in their honor.
Bloomberg World Wide
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