The WSJ published a story that reveals the governments lack of will and fortitude when it comes to prosecuting the worst offenders from the financial crisis. The headline mentions take down of 500 offenders but the reality is they have not done a thing to anyone of the major players on Wall Street. Wall Street was ground zero for this crisis and the government is afraid to cross Wall Street or the big banks. They keep asking for the bankers to come to hearings and give there testimony instead of putting them on trial. It is ridiculous that they have gotten away with pillaging the entire system and no one has been held accountable. Wall Street has just continued to give out billions in bonuses as the banks stall for time and try to turn the fight for the truth in to a fight of attrition. The big players like to win battles this way because they have the most resources and the backing of cheap funds from the fed.
There is no plan the banks are initiating to help stem the foreclosure crisis. They are fine with letting everyone suffer while they get to ride in limos and private jets. The screwed the entire system by using far more leverage than necessary on the RMBS products and exploited the CDS market for their benefit.
Seeing this story today makes me even more certain that the government is so deep in the pockets of the big banks that we will have the same bank run government for years.
Read the full story in the Wall Street Journal here.
Government attempts to placate Americans calling for the prosecution of the offenders in the financial crisis.
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