A nice Christmas present for all you die hard voters revealed as so gullible every election.
I think it is time to make a case for not voting unless you have a truly reforming candidate. After all the bravado and chest pumping that took place after the election it is clear no one in congress really cares about the country or the people. The people don't end up in politics because they want to do what their voters ask of them. They end up in congress because of the power, the perks and the great health care. Does anyone know of a better gig for a middle aged person who may have had some success in the private sector? I don't.
Does anyone know of such great opportunity for someone who has had no success in the private sector and typically no experience in anything related to writing bills or effective public speaking? I don't.
If it isn't clear that the great majority of Congress is not in the least bit interested in doing what is right for the country.
I have never forgotten a statement made by one of my political science graduate assistant as he lectured on the psychology of politicians. He was very clear in making this important point to the class.
He said "Item number one on the agenda of politicians is getting re elected. Once they are in office 99% of They quickly change alliances and renege on their statements promising reform and a return to government for the people and by the people.
The right to vote is becoming meaningless because of the power afforded to Wall Street and the financial institutions. Who came to the White House for a summit this week? It wasn't the little guy or the small business owner. It was the bank executives and J Immelt. As if they are trying to give credibility to the ponzi scheme run by these perpetrators in order to help them pull off the stunt again.
Republicans and Democrats are no different. They all love the camera and would never pass up the opportunity to say something idiotic into a microphone.
It looks like all of you that voted for change in 08 and then for new change in 2010 have been duped by the smooth talking snake oil salesmen of congress.
Decision Points
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