Friday, November 19, 2010

minyanville story by david stockman shredding Oracle of Omaha

"But no taxpayer can be grateful. There never was a crisis on Main Street. The panic was in the US Treasury Department where the clueless Hank Paulson was swamped with calls from his crony capitalist buddies like Immelt and his counterparts up and down Wall Street, but especially at Goldman Sachs (GS). When Goldman’s stock price ticked $65 in the days after Lehman, Mr. Market was desperately trying to purge the reckless speculation and leveraged rot that had been building up in the nation’s financial system ever since the Fed discovered in the 1990s that it could print endless dollars and that they would be obligingly accumulated by the mercantilist overlords of China and East Asia.

Thanks to the Geithner/ Paulson/ Bernanke claque, the needed financial cleansing and purge never happened. Instead, we've just drifted deeper into a statist regime in which Uncle Sam backstops, stimulates, underwrites, and meddles with every aspect of our broken capitalist machine. Uncle Sam wasn't our savior in September 2008. By the panicked actions of a few desperate men occupying high offices, he was empowered to become our destroyer. Thanking Uncle Sam is fatuous under any circumstance. But to thank the men who brought on TARP, bailouts, and the lunacy of ZIRP and QE is pure humbug."

Stockman's conclusion is very telling. The government failed to do its duty in protecting the rights of citizens as it fell for the manipulations of Wall Street.

I am sure plenty of Americans would be doing just fine had they gotten easy money loans and a virtual government guarantee of their debt. But we can't all forget the government is here first to help the big banks because it is for the good of the country rather then enforce laws to protect the consumer. 

We are seeing how well that is working. 

The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry - 2005 publication.

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